Spin someone's a:\ drive through an Instant Message

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spin somebody's A:\ drive  Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Send This to a friend! 10,511 hits
Rated: G     

Submitted by: Mikey T
Release Date: 3/17/2002
Date Added: 3/26/2002
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have you ever tried to open ur disk drive without a disk in it? if so, then you know that spinning sound it makes, well if you have AOL Instant Messenger you can make someone elses disk drive spin.

First get in a direct connection with them and open up notepad. in notepad type '' then copy that text and paste it in the direct IM. the more times you paste it the more times it spins their drive. this scares the crap out of people they think you are hacking into their computer or something.

WARNING: when you do this 2 some1 your disk drives spins also.its harmless though.

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Spin someone's a:\ drive through an Instant Message