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Humor Postcards : Email

Insensitivity Cards  Ha! Ha! Send This to a friend! 18,598 hits
Rated: G     

Submitted by: Greg
Release Date: 11/26/2000
Date Added: 12/5/2000
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1=sucks, 5=best

We all know how difficult it can be to find a greeting card with genuine candor. If you've faced this dilemma (and who hasn't?) YPL's Insensitivity Cards are the perfect solution. Our wide selection allows you to mock the unhappy circumstances, embarrassing failures, and painful experiences of a friend or relative, and to share that derision with almost anyone on planet Earth through the wonders of email. This is a free YPL service, and YPL will not donate even one single red cent to any candy-ass, bleeding-heart liberal charities including but not limited to: preservation of habitats and/or wildlife, AIDS and/or cancer patients, starving peasants, Appalachian hillbillies, and missing rugrats.

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