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Online Fun: Prank Calls

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File Name Date Added Hit Count
Abtar Soundboard Rating: G Ha! Ha! Ha! 9/30/2005 27,321
Abtar Soundboard for playing phone pranks on friends and family.
fake number Rating: G Ha! Ha! Ha! 3/16/2004 99,663
rejection hotline
Michael Jackson Soundboard Rating: G Ha! Ha! Ha! 10/2/2005 53,461
Michael Jackson Soundboard for playing phone pranks on friends and family.
Do you like Smart Ass Words? Try out TurdWords.com Click Here!
Prank Call Central Rating: NC-17 Ha! Ha! 1/16/2003 44,960
Your one-stop internet resource for hilarious prank call and comedy CDs and tapes.
Random Prank Player Rating: R Ha! Ha! Ha! 10/31/2005 36,704
Plays random prank calls from your favorite pranksters around the world.
Rate My Gag Rating: PG-13 Ha! Ha! 9/21/2004 15,316
Hot or not for stupid phone gags

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A mix of computer pranks, gags, funny software, funny images, humor postcards, media humor and other silly stuff!