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Computer Jokes : Technical Support

Magnet II  Ha! Ha! Send This to a friend! 17,568 hits
Rated: G     

Submitted by: Pixel
Date Added: 3/31/2001
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I was talking to an online friend one day. He was complaining yet AGAIN about how his computer had another problem. It seemed every time he got his computer back from the shop it would develop another problem within just a few days. He said that it had the people at the shop completly baffled.

A few days later I went over to his house. I am not a tech, but knew more than he did so he asked me to take a look and see if I could figure out what the problem might be.

I sat down at the desk with a sigh, that quickly changed into hysterical laughter. Looking at my friend I said, "What are these?" pointing to the side of the compter box....they were his very proud collection of refrigerator magnets, covering the entire side of the case! It seems that he generally waited a couple of days after bringing the computer home from the shop, to make sure it was working before he put them back.

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