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Funny Images: Illusions

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File Name Date Added Hit Count
10 eagles Rating: G Ha! Ha! 7/21/2006 14,305
Can you find 10 eagles in this painting? I can
11 deer Rating: G Ha! 8/1/2006 9,930
Can you find 11 deer in this painting? I can
14 horses Rating: G Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! 7/26/2006 9,988
Can you find 14 horses in this painting? I can
15 wolves Rating: G Ha! Ha! Ha! 8/4/2006 9,593
Can you find 15 wolves in this painting? I can
2-D shape Rating: G Ha! 4/18/2005 22,359
A 2-D shape that can never be built.
Like Bacon? Have you tried Bacon Popcorn?? Click Here!
3 faces Rating: G Ha! Ha! 2/9/2003 79,262
Can you see them all?
3D, yet flat Rating: G Ha! Ha! 1/23/2004 39,647
It looks 3D, but its flat
A B Color Rating: G Ha! 4/19/2005 15,866
A and B are the same colors
ABC or 123 Rating: G Ha! 7/27/2006 10,350
What do you see? ABC or 123
Alwaiz Confusing Rating: G Ha! Ha! Ha! 4/4/2001 117,699
which side is up and which side is down ?? .. that is the question

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A mix of computer pranks, gags, funny software, funny images, humor postcards, media humor and other silly stuff!